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Check procedure of online pre-registration. From 2 to 4 September

ETSAB will offer the 2020-2021 edition of its Master's Programmes in online format, to encourage the internationalisation of its teaching staff and students. This represents a great opportunity to apply synchronous and asynchronous teaching practices, contents and materials; to go deeper into research and project techniques; to intensify interactions and to adjust to different rhythms and needs, without giving up workshop work or site visits (virtual and/or face-to-face). The first videos and tools to be used in the next acadèmic year, will soon be available.


As soon as possible, it will also be offered in face to face form, to support particularly the practices and projects development

Els nostres màsters / nuestros másters / our master's degrees

MArqEtsaB / MBArch / MBDesign / MBLandArch


Preinscripció online del 2 al 4 de setembre!. Tota la informació disponible a l'apartat 'accés i admissió'. Consulta el nostre web!

Està previst iniciar la docència dels màsters el curs 2020-21 online

La UPC i l'ETSAB segueixen treballant per adaptar les normatives i procediments a les circumstàncies del pròxim curs.


Preinscripción online del 2 al 4 de septiembre! Toda la información disponible en el apartado 'acceso y admisión'. Consulta nuestra web!

Está previsto iniciar la docencia de los másters el curso 2020-21 online

La UPC y la ETSAB siguen trabajando para adaptar las normativas y procedimientos a las circunstancias del próximo curso.

Online pre-enrolment from 2 to 4 September! All the information is available on 'access and admission'. Check out our site!

The teaching of all the ETSAB masters will start on the academic year 2020-21 online

The UPC and the ETSAB keep working in adapting all the regulations and procedures of the next academic year. 



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