DMD Tongji

Información Destinos


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DMD TONGJI (Dual Master Degree Programme _ Tongji University)


CAUP_Tongji University and ETSAB_UPC signed their agreement on carrying out the dual master degree programme between the two schools in 2015. The aim of the double master degree is to create a platform for an integrated, international academic programme in architecture studies. 

Supported by Tongji-UPC DMD, MBArch students at CAUP-Tongji will enjoy the opportunity to familiarize themselves first-hand with one of the most cultural dynamic regions of the world, and they will have the chance to participate academic projects designed to be interdisciplinary.

DMD is a two-year system programme. Tongji Students stay in Shanghai for the 1st year and come to Barcelona for the 2nd year. ETSAB students study in Barcelona for the 1st year, and will study in Tongji for the 2nd year. After successful completion of the complete programme at both universities, the students receive the degrees of both universities, “Master of Architecture” of CAUP_Tongji University and “Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona” of ETSAB_UPC.

DMD Partner Institutions:


College of Architecture and Urban Planning

Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Study programme: 

Master in Architecture (code 085100)  Web


Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·Barcelona Tech

Study programme: 

MBArch_Màster Universitari en Estudis Avançats en Arquitectura-Barcelona Web


Para más información sobre la convocatoria y las condiciones especiales de matrícula consulta la página de Relaciones Internacionales