Competitions and prizes

50th Anniversary Polytechnic University of Catalonia · BarcelonaTech — Beyond the ETSAB Archive 1875–2025

Awards Ceremony
September 9, 2021, 4:30 p.m.
Place: Oriol Bohigas Library, ETSAB



Prizes will be awarded in the categories ‘Professionals’ (UPC teaching and research staff and administrative and service staff, architects, historians, artists, etc.) and ‘Students’ (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and doctoral degree students from the UPC and other universities).

According to the length of the texts, two possible formats are allowed:

1) Long texts with a maximum of 1,500 to 2,000 words
2) Short texts with a maximum of 300 words

Proposals should be sent to the e-mail address:

The first category will be awarded with the welcome speech at the temporary exhibition of drawings associated with the best texts, as well as the Inaugural Lecture 2020-2021 of MBArch—Master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona (ETSAB UPC). In the second category of students, there will be three prizes of 300 euros.

The languages accepted will be Catalan, Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

The winning texts will be published in print and digital format and will form part of the Mail Art initiative. Through this initiative, contact will be made with collaborating institutions by sending the image/text through the post and providing a means of circular return, in the line of conceptual artists such as On Kawara or Fluxus from the end of the twentieth century.


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