
50th Anniversary Polytechnic University of Catalonia · BarcelonaTech — Beyond the ETSAB Archive 1875–2025


Barcelona School of Architecture, ETSAB UPC:
— Department of Heritage (Elena Fernández Salas)
— Department of Publications (Carolina B. García-Estévez)
— Department of Culture (Enrique Granell)
With the collaboration of the ETSAB UPC Gaudí Chair and the ETSAB Oriol Bohigas Library.


External Council of the ETSAB Paranymph of Architecture Consortium (*)

(*) The ETSAB Paranymph of Architecture is the initiative of the Barcelona School to make visible the heritage of more than 150 years of teaching Architecture in the city of Barcelona, through collaboration with local institutions and external agents


 Collection — ARCHIVE SERIES — 2