
50è Aniversari Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech — Beyond the ETSAB Archive 1875–2025

Second edition's results

Meeting on September 9, 2021, the jury of the second edition of the Arxiu ETSAB writing award ‘Photography and Voyage’, has decided to award the following prizes to the proposals:


Student category


Modality: short text - Ex aequo award

Id 12  FF. 001562


Clara Martin Delgado





Modality: short text - Ex aequo award

Id 03 FF.001275

A Chant of Collage

Yuwei Chi






Professor category


Modality: long text

Id 05 FF000694

Del Derecho y del Revés

José Manuel de la Puente Martorell





Modality: short text

Id. 18 FF.000725

La Arquitectura en la Fotografía

Pedro Nicolás Romera Garcia






 Collection — ARCHIVE SERIES — 2