Equality ETSAB
The UPC works for the equality of all its members and that is why it has created the following work and coordination platform: Igualtat a la UPC.
Each teaching center has appointed an equality officer and an inclusion officer (RIC), who you can contact for any questions related to these issues. At ETSAB, the professor responsible for inclusion and equality is David López López, who you can contact by email: sd.estudiantat.etsab@upc.edu
Women and architecture
8M. International Women's Day 2023
Round table #ActivistesFeministes held as part of the main event of the UPC of 8M at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB).
Link to the program of the main event of the UPC: https://igualtat.upc.edu/ca/8m
- Eulàlia Gómez Escoda, ETSAB Assistant Director
Welcome by
- Daniel Crespo, UPC Rector
- Félix Solaguren-Beascoa, ETSAB Director
- Sandra Bestraten, ETSAB Professor
- Alícia Fernández Pastor, UPC General Services PAS and PAS Board President
- Marie Faye, DIOMCOOP
- Silvia Merino, Creadoness
Date and place: March 8, 2023, ETSAB Events Hall
Video of the #ActivistesFeministes round table