Exchange students

Every year, ETSAB offers around 175 exchange places in collaboration with more than 80 institutions for the study fields of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, mainly in the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme (exchange within European universities) and SICUE programme (exchange within Spanish universities), but also by Bilateral Agreements with many universities in Latin America, USA, Canada, Asia, and Australia.

See ETSAB exchange partners list

Exchange places are mainly offered to Architecture students (on the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of their Degree) for a full year stay  (September-June) or first semester stay (September-January) according to each bilateral agreement.

Check ETSAB exchange info sheet for conditions of the exchange, calendar, academic and language requirements, courses offered, and ETSAB exchange coordinators contact data.



Nomination by the home university

Exchange students must be nominated by their home institution, according to the conditions and number of places at the bilateral agreement.

Partner universities should communicate the nominated candidates by e-mail to ETSAB International Office ( before May 15th, indicating: students’ name, email address, current studies and period of stay (for non UE students: please add ID/passport number)

Language requirements

ETSAB strongly recommend having at least a B1 level of Spanish before arrival. Incoming students are not required to submit a proof of Spanish or Catalan language skills, however partner universities should take that into consideration for nomination.

Online application for admission

Nominated candidates must then apply online for admission before May 31st.

Download Instructions for Online Application : Fill in the required data + Upload the required documents

Documents to upload:

  • ETSAB exchange Application Form, signed by their mobility coordinator
  • Copy of passport or ID card, with validity for the entire period of your stay
  • Academic Transcript indicating the number of credits achieved/total credits of the current degree

No other documents are needed at this moment. Applicants may ask for an admission letter for visa porpuses if required.

Mandatory Insurance

All exchange and visiting students coming to UPC are required to book a private insurance that covers their stay, which must include health assistance (including diagnostic tests and surgical interventions), accidents, (compensation for permanent disability and death compensation), repatriation and civil liability.

EU students. Students from the European Union (or Norway or Switzerland) need to have both the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and an additional private insurance.

Upon arrival and before the enrolment at ETSAB, students will be asked to hand in an INSURANCE STATEMENT document duly completed and signed, with a copy of the insurance policy contracted with these coverages.

 (Check UPC website for more info)

Academic Offer for incoming students

Incoming Exchange students will enrol courses of GRADO EN ESTUDIOS DE ARQUITECTURA - GArqEtsaB- (Degree in Architecture Studies). See conditions at Study at ETSAB.

*Enrolment Criteria for incoming students

Spanish and Catalan are the languages of instruction at GArqEtsab. A limited number of courses are given in English: several elective subjects and specific groups of some Arch. Design Studios, Urban Design Studios and other compulsory courses .


Follow these indications on How to prepare your LEARNING AGREEMENT (Before the Mobility)

This first version of the LEARNING AGREEMENT (Before the Mobility) will be provisionally signed by ETSAB International Office (or validated online via EWP-Erasmus Without Papers when possible) and IT DOES NOT IMPLY A RESERVATION OF THE CHOSEN COURSES.

The availability of subjects and class groups will only be known at the moment of enrolment and changes are very likely to happen.

Once the enrolment at ETSAB is fully completed (including changes periods in September & January) ETSAB International Office will sign or validate online via EWP the EXCEPTIONAL CHANGES in the LEARNING AGREEMENT (Table A2) accordingly.

Once admitted

Upon arrival in September, students should bring with them: / Curriculum vitae / graphic Portfolio / Mandatory insurance / Proof of Enrolment at home institution.

Accepted candidates will receive detailed indications for arrival procedures. In general they should:

  • Check-in at ETSAB International Relations Office within the required dates before the start of classes, in order to receive updated information about the school and the academic offer.
  • Attend ETSAB welcome meeting and contact with their ETSAB academic advisor for orientation about courses to enroll. It is recommended to bring a portfolio with samples of your work plus an updated academic transcript of records to show to your tutor for guidance.
  • Enroll in the given dates at the chosen course units.
  • Attend classes and exams of the enrolled courses along the academic year or semester.

A few weeks after the exchange period is over, the student will be able to download  an official Transcript of records of the courses attended.