Curricular evaluation
The curricular evaluation is the system that allows the joint evaluation of different knowledge areas with the objective of value the global performance and the progress of the students in the Degree.
The Study Plan of the Degree in Architectural Studies has a structure determined by three curricular blocks.
Block 1 - Initial phase: is made up of the 10 subjects from the first course, in accordance with the study plan.
Block 2 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th course: is made up of the 10 compulsory subjects from 2nd course, the 9 compulsory subjects from 3rd course, and the 9 compulsory subjects from 4th.
Block 3 - 5º course: is made up by the 6 compulsory subjects from 5º course.
Block 4 - Optatives: it's formed by all the elective subjects that the student has studied and, if applicable, the recognition of elective credits that may have obtained.
Evaluation of the curricular block
The evaluation of the curricular block will take when the students have studied and have qualified all the subjects that form the block. In the case of elective block will be evaluated the number of obtained credits in the qualified subject and the credits recognitions, if it's appropriate, reach the minimum of 24 ECTS established by the study plan.
The course Commission will meet, at least:
- two times, one at the beginning of each semester, to coordinate the programming of the continued evaluation acts of all the subjects.
- once, at the end of the course, for the curricular evaluation.
The curriculum evaluation commissions will be integrated by:
- The deputy director of studies who will act as president.
- The responsibly faculty of the subjects of the evaluated curricular block.
- For the initial phase curricular commission, 6 representatives of the student body, chosen from among those who have passed the initial phase.
- For the rest of the curricular commissions, 6 representatives of the student body.
The results of the curricular evaluation will be known to the students through the publication of the curricular record.
Block approval
Given his singularity in the curriculum and as a basic education in the curricular evaluation of the Initial Phase is considered as approved when one one the following points is fulfilled:
- when have a grade equal or higher than 5 in all the subjects of the block.
- when have one subject with failed as descriptive qualification and numerical grade not less than 4, the rest of the subjects passed and the average grade is equal or higher than 6.
- when have two subjects with failed as descriptive qualification and numerical grade not less than 4, the rest of the subjects passed and the average grade is equal or higher than 6,5.
The approval of the block 2 will be completed when:
- when have a grade equal or higher than 5 in all the subjects of the block.
- when have one subject with failed as descriptive qualification and numerical grade not less than 4, the rest of the subjects passed and the weighted average grade is equal or higher than 5,5.
- when have two subjects with failed as descriptive qualification and numerical grade not less than 4, the rest of the subjects passed and the weighted average grade is equal or higher than 6.
- when have three subjects with failed as descriptive qualification and numerical grade not less than 4, the rest of the subjects passed and the weighted average grade is equal or higher than 6,5.
- when have a grade equal or higher than 5 in all the subjects of the block.
- when have one subject with failed as descriptive qualification and numerical grade no less than 4, the rest of the subjects passed and the weighted average grade is equal or higher than 5,5.
The approval of the block 4 will be completed when: the number of credits between qualified subjects and elective credit recognition, if applicable, reach the minimum of 24 ECTS that establishes the Degree's curriculum and:
- when have a grade equal or higher than 5 in all the subjects of the block.
- when have one subject with failed descriptive qualification and numerical grade no less than 4, the rest of the subjects passed and the weighted average grade is equal or higher than 5,5.
Block TFG
Ratified by the School Board (Junta de Escuela) on June 26th, 2014