Tutorial Plan, Inclusion and Equality
Tutorial action plan of the ETSAB
The tutorial action is a care service to the students, through which the teaching staff of the ETSAB provides formation elements, information and guidance with a personalized way.
Within the framework of the tutorial action plan of the UPC, from the School different tutoring services are articulated to different collective of students.
Tutoring of the initial phase
Constitute an essential tool for the support in the adaptation to University and guidance to the students in two fields:
- The academic, with the follow-up academic progression and advice about the curricular path according to the own possibilities of each one.
- The personal, with advice about the learning process (adequacy to the study methods, available resources in the University, etc.).
At the beginning of the academic year is communicated to the students who is his/her mentor. The School enables specific instructional intranets in order to ease the communication between tutors and the tutored students.
Tutoring of permanence
The permanence regulations of the ETSAB, in accordance with those of the UPC, establish the mechanism of the tutoring to conduct the follow-up of the student progress and ensure a good use of the resources.
In order to provide the students with formation elements, personalized information and guidance, the School assigns a Mentor to the student that obtain a permanence parameter under 0,5 during one or two consecutive courses depending on the Study Plan, in order to advise her/him about the subjects that should enroll or not and make an academic follow-up.
Tutoring to the students with special needs
In the scope of the Program of Assistance to Athletes (Programa de Ayudas a Deportistas de alto nivel) of the UPC and in coordination with Sports Service of the UPC, the ETSAB assign a mentor to the high level athletes, upon request in order to ease the compatibility of the sports practice and the studies and ensure the integral education of the athletes. It is about to get the total integration in the educative university system.
The University is committed to ensure equality of opportunity to all members of the University community and all University areas, to be a quality University for all. Ensure that all the University community can learn and coexist in some environments, which develop the most talent and take advantage of its capabilities, without barriers and access to and participation in University activities.
UPC Equality Plan
It is the instrument and reference framework for developing the University's institutional commitment to equality, non-discrimination and respect for diversity. Specifically, it is the strategic tool of the UPC to promote gender equality among the different groups that make up the university community, incorporating the gender perspective in teaching, research and management. If you consider that you are suffering a situation of sexual harassment, or you want to normalize your stay at the UPC by changing your common name and legal name, please contact IGUALTAT DE GÈNERE A LA UPC
Mentor's list academic year 2024-25
Academic year 2024-25 |
Initial phase |
BELÉN ONECHA PÉREZ (Coordinator) - belen.onecha ALEIX ALVAREZ CIUDAD - aleix.alva@upc.edu BERTA BARDÍ MILA - berta.bardi CÒSSIMA CORNADÓ BARDÓN - cossima.cornado EVA CRESPO SÁNCHEZ - eva.crespo OLGA FELIP ORDIS - olga.felip@upc.edu LAURA GRANELL MORENO - laura.granell DAVID LÓPEZ LÓPEZ - david.lopez.lopez ORIOL PONS VALLADARES - oriol.pons JUDIT TABERNA TORRES - judit.taberna BRUNO SEVE - bruno.seve@upc.edu |
Permanence |
DAVID LÓPEZ LÓPEZ (Coordinator, Assistant Director of the student body) - sd.estudiantat.etsab LUIS GIMENEZ MATEU - lluis.gimenez ENRIQUE GRANELL TRIAS - enrique.granell BELÉN ONECHA PÉREZ - belen.onecha CRISTINA PARDAL MARCH - cristina.pardal CARLOS PEREZ LAMAS - carlos.perez@upc.edu ERNESTO REDONDO DOMINGUEZ - ernesto.redondo |
Students with specials needs |
DAVID LÓPEZ LÓPEZ (Coordinator, Assistant Director of the student body) - sd.estudiantat.etsab CÒSSIMA CORNADÓ BARDÓN - cossima.cornado BELÉN ONECHA PÉREZ - belen.onecha EVA CRESPO - eva.crespo |