
The curriculum of the Master's Degree in Architecture has a total of 60 ECTS, of which 20 ECTS are compulsory, 10 ECTS are elective / introduction to research / external practices (6 ECTS) and 30 ECTS belong to the Final Project (Master's Thesis)

To facilitate that students acquire the basic, general, specific and transversal competences, MArqETSAB, is organized in three levels:

  • The blocks, defined by Ministerial Order EDU/2075/2010, July 29, corresponding to the Design Block, Technical Block and the Degree's Final Project (Final Master's Thesis). To those, the intensification and research in architecture is added as an elective / introduction to research / external practice block. Each block is developed in subjects which are themselves developed in courses.
  • The subjects, each understood as single disciplinary knowledge units.

The courses, defined as teaching-learning units belonging to one or mode subjects, formally structured and with learning objectives and explicit and coherent evaluation criteria defined in their respective course guides.


Credit allocation of blocks, subjects and courses and temporal distribution in the academic year:

Level 1 Block

Level 2 subject

Level 3 Course

ECTS Kind Semester
(20 ECTS)


 History and theory
 Project Design


Edification and urbanism theory and projects 12 Cp 1
Edification and urbanism theory and projects




Technical and structural systems in edification 8 Cp 1
Technical and structural systems in edification
(10 ECTS)
 Intensification /  Recsearch


Intensification and research in architecture


10 El 1/2


Elective courses with 5 ECTS

 Elective external academic practices 6 ECTS


(30 ECTS)


 Master's Final Project


 Master's Final Project

30 Cp 1/2

 Master's Final Project