Admission profile

a. Architectural Studies Degree by the UPC or equivalent curriculum of previous planning of those established in the Real Decreto (Royal Decree) 1393/2007, October 29th.
b. Landscape degree by the UPC.
c. Agricultural, Environmental & Landscape Engineering Degree by the UPC or equivalent curriculum of previous planning of those established in the same Real Decreto (Royal Decree).
d. Agricultural Engineering by the UPC or equivalent curriculum of previous planning of those established in the same Real Decreto (Royal Decree).
e. On an exceptional basis, other access profiles are also considered: master studies of the scope of biology, environment, geology, engineering geomatics and topography, geological engineering or civil engineering. In any of them, the Master's Academic Committee will evaluate the suitability of the candidacy and the presentation of his motivations and will establish if is necessary to pass a previous complementary formation (*).
f. Finally, is defined as an admission profile that enable the access to this master all those studies in architecture, civil or edification engineering, agriculture, environmental sciences, of landscape or similar, obtained outside the Spanish state. In that case, the Master's Academic Committee will verify if access competences are fulfilled and will be able to establish the need of passing specific complementary formation (*).
(*) In case of having to study specific complementary formation in the degree (whether in the scope of architecture or agriculture), may not be more than 15 ECTS. Passing this additional training will be a necessary condition to access the Universitary Master in Landscape, it means, the outcome of the Master's Academic Committee will have binding nature to the access.
The graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area must certify, if required, that their degrees have a level of training equivalent to the corresponding Spanish university degrees and which authorizes access to postgraduate studies in the issuing country.