European Masters in Landscape Architecture

Period: six-monthly 2nd (1st year) and 3rd (2nd year) of the MBLandArch Duration: 2 semester
Type of education:  international exchange Credits: 60 ECTS


EMiLA (European Master in Landscape Architecture) is a mutual exchange program between the Landscape Architecture Master's of five European universities:

  • Ecole Nationale Superieure du Paysage, Versailles-Marseille (ENSP)
  • Fakultät für Landschaft, Leibniz Universitat Hannover (LUH)
  • Academie Van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK)
  • ESALA, Edinburgh College of Art (ECA)
  • ETSAB y ESAB, Barcelona, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)


EMiLA includes two semesters of exchange in two associated masters and two common modules: workshop 'e-learning' and 'Summer-School'

The students taking the programme study the first and last semester of the master in the origin school/university. The second and the third semester are studied in two of the associated schools. Teaching is realized in the destination original language excluding Amsterdam, where is realized in English. The common modules are studied in English. 

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The EMiLA aim is to offer to the students the possibility of familiarize with the European context (and market) and acquire international experience, as well as higher knowledge of the most important issues of Landscape Architecture in Europe and learn diverse projecting ways. Learn different politics in Europe and its influence in the landscape and how the different countries cooperate in the scope of interdisciplinary projects and/or transnational. 

Program and method

Each single master has its scheme, teaching program and particularities, but all they start from the project or the landscape design as the main thrust of the courses. The specific curriculum of each institution, its obligatory studies and methods are detailed in its respective teaching guide's. The students study the regular courses. The five schools each year choose jointly an European issue to take in the workshops and common modules.

In parallel to the regular course in the host university the students follow an individual design project in the EMiLA web where is provided the list and common work between the students of the program. The module e-learning EMiLA and the SummerSchool are compulsive and are added to the regular curriculum.

Once finished EMiLA program, students receive a participation certificate from the home institution together with the diploma. 



The program offers 5 annual places for UPC students:

Information ETSAB CALL for EMiLA program
www.etsab.upc.edu > International > OUTGOING > EMiLA (MBLandArch)

Admission requirements

Study the Universitary Master in Landscape MBLandArch of UPC and fulfill the local admission requirements of the destiny unit (certificated linguistic competence).

Lenguaje requirements by schools

Àmsterdam _AvB English B2 level CEFR
Edinburgh_ESALA English B2 level CEFR > IELTS 6,5 (min 6 all sections) or equivalent.
Hannover_LUH German B1 level CEFR
Versailles_ENSP French B1 level CEFR

Financing and future

The program obtained financing for its establishment from Lifelong Learning Programme but nowadays it doesn't. The exchange semester may be realized in the scope of the Erasmus+ program. As the exchange consists in two mobility stays -second and third semester- in two different academic years, both students and teachers with nationality or residence in Europe may opt for the support of the program in both years.

Partners are working jointly on the establishment of a common Europen master as well as find ways or projects of joint research that provide financing to the consortium.


Coordinator EMiLA_UPC:      Prof. Luis Maldonado     luis.maldonado@upc.edu