
Basic competences

The basic competences are those described for the Master's level profile defined in the Spanish Royal Decree 1393/2007:

    • Possess and understand the knowledge that provides a background or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, usually in a research context.

    • The students must know how to apply the knowledge they acquire, and have the capacity to solve problems in new or little-unknown (multidisciplinary) environments beyond their area of study.

    • The students must be capable of integrating knowledge and tackle the complexity of formulating judgments from incomplete information that include reasoning about social and ethical responsibility related to the application of their knowledge.

    • The students must be capable of communicating their conclusions and knowledge and the ultimate reasons that support them to experts and non-experts clearly and without ambiguity.

    • The students must possess the learning skills that allow them to pursue self-directed and autonomous learning.

General competences

General competences are those that all students must acquire in the Master education:

    • Research, innovate and specialize to understand the world and its consequences in the fields of landscape, technology, theory and history in a transversal point of view.

    • Apply advanced knowledge in the fields of landscape, technology, theory and history developed in a local level and relate it in a worldwide context.

    • Apply the basic research methodologies for innovation and specialization in the field of landscape.

Transversal competences

Transversal competences describe what a graduate is capable to do when his or her learning process ends, independently of his or her degree. The transversal competences defined by the UPC are entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainability and social commitment, knowledge of a third language (preferably English), teamwork and the use of multiple sources of information.


Specific competences

As a specific competences the next are those that are acquired when this Master is studied:

    • Capability to acquire a global, equilibrated y reasoned perspective, from the environment functioning point of view, about the state of play of topical issues, the knowledge and investigations of different specialities.

    • Capability to acquire a global, equilibrated y reasoned perspective, from the technology of landscape construction point of view, about the state of play of topical issues, the knowledge and investigations of different specialities.

    • Capability to acquire a global, equilibrated y reasoned perspective, from the landscape project point of view, about the state of play of topical issues, the knowledge and investigations of different specialities.

    • Capability to use the knowledge and the own environment science's tools (Botanica, applied soil science and ecology) in the planning, design, management and maintenance of the landscape, considering the space-temporal scale and the sustainability of the actions.

    • Aptitude to recognise the diversity of natural species, as well as its physiology and the environmental conditions for its survival.

    • Capability to classify the different kind of soil, describe its properties y fulfill fertilization and amendment programs, as well as calculate irrigation programs.

    • Capability to determine the functional relations between los organization and his environment, as well as determinate the nature and structure of the community and ecosystem.

    • Capability to identify and use the cartography techniques as a language of interpretation and description of the physical space.

    • Aptitude to evaluate, assimilate and use territorial information systems (SIG, SGBD...).

    • Capability to identify and describe conventional and digital cartographic documents, as well as reference systems and reproduction techniques.

    • Capability to interpret the structure, composition and ecological function of the landscape with commitment about the spatio-temporal scales and sustainability.

    • Apply quantitative methods to the study of the development and dynamic of the spatial heterogeneity of landscapes and determinate its effects on the ecological process with a view to the planning, design and the management of the landscape.

    • Capability to recognise the vegetal species to use in green spaces, its characteristics and attributes and the criteria for its choice and cluster, keeping in mind the sustainability of the projects and interventions and the spatio-temporal scale. Identify the quality of the vegetal material in the nurseries, produce orders and supervise the plants supply.

    • Capability to identify and use deployment techniques of green spaces to program works, previous labours, infrastructure facilities ant the preparation of the final plot, and to programme and supervise the sowing and plantings, using the right machinery for each intervention.

    • Capability to program and supervise the maintenance interventions of the green areas, with special attention to the grounds of grass and meadows and to the pruning of the woody species, wooded, particularly, choosing each time the machinery or tools with best performance and low impact.

    • Capability to recognise stratigraphic and petrological foundations of the ground shapes and read and interpret geological and aquifer maps.

    • Capability to identify and describe the erosion and coastal processes and evaluate its impact on the landscape.

    • Capability to understand the water cycle and the dynamic of the surface and subterranean waters, profile the soil and water pollution routes and suggest techniques to be cleaned or restored.

    • Aptitude to describe and apply techniques replanting in landscape projects, with special attention to Bioengineering.

    • Capability to identify irrigation systems, recognise the characteristics of the materials for its installation and plan the application in green spaces.

    • Capability to recognise the different applications the crop's substrate in landscape projects, describe its properties and propose the most appropriated control systems or cultive depending on the proposed objective.

    • Aptitude to establish the criteria to evaluate the degradation of the landscape and discern concepts of restoration, recovery and rehabilitation.

    • Aptitude to identify, describe and apply the landscape restoring techniques, through interventions of habitat reconstruction and vegetation introduction and developing evaluation criteria of the success of the restore.

    • Capability to analyze and value, through case study, different restore projects of landscape that deal with themes of higher relevancy en this scope.

    • Capability to integrate the reflexión about the ways of physical intervention and the sociological, economical, technical and the management dimensions of the landscape.

    • Aptitude and communicative ability to interact with the different agents, users, political actors and decisions makers.

    • Aptitude to apply the most modern techniques of landscape rendering, as well as solvency with its intentional using, according to the premises of the landscape project in a contemporaneous key.

    • Capability to intervene and taking decisions in the gestation of complex projects.

    • Capability to conceive and carry out landscape projects applying advanced theoretical foundations.

    • Adequate acquaintance of the relation between landscape and other artistic, scientific and technical disciplines and his application in the landscape project.

    • Understanding qualities, characteristics and application of the landscape materials, its details and technical specifications.

    • Aptitude for the organization and management of the landscape construction process.

    • Capability to focus on the raise of technical solutions that consider the design concept and its application along with the wanted spatial quality and responding to the expected use and the general appearance of the project.

    • Capability to choose in terms of sustainability and durability of the materials and constructions.

    • Knowledge and capacity for using the Conventional graphics resources for the recognition of the environment and for the project expression.

    • Proper understanding of comprehension skills to prepare and implement the technical planning files required to make the designed projects into reality.

    • Capability to apply juridical tools related with the management of the landscape and the public policies with territorial influence.

    • Capability to realise personal considerations based over the main issues of the different landscape action fields.

    • Aptitude to analyze landscape issues of the urban and territorial spaces.

    • Understanding to conceive, design, put into practice and take a landscape investigation process with academic rigor.

    • Adequate understanding of landscape theory and history, within the traditions of the theoretical and critical thoughts of our culture and in the general context of the arts, techniques and the space production.

    • Aptitude to apply the analysis methodologies and the current historiographic trends related with the landscape theory.

    • Capability to collaborate in the territorial use planning under social cohesion and environmental sustainability criteria.

    • Capability to investigate the environment and both cultural and urban context as well as territorial to apply them to the landscape project.

    • Aptitude to apply the strategies of interpretation and operations in lands and urban patterns under transformation.

Final Master's Thesis

    • Capability to display a broad knowledge of the matter of the research field to diagnose the specific issues, draft development proposals and hypothesis regarding research questions, and propose corresponding lines of research, innovation and specialisation.

    • Aptitude to develop, expose and defense, having obtained the credits of the Master's degree, an original individual work, before a university examination board.