Deposit and defense


The Master’s Final Thesis (TFM) concludes the academic process of learning made during the two academic years of the Master.

The documentation that must prepare and present before the Examination Panel and submit online is the following:

- For the defense before the university Examination Panel :

''Powerpoint'' presentation.

- Documentation to submit online:

1 copy of the presentation document of the TFM in din A3  that must include:

               i.        Full development of the project (minimum documentation):

  • Cover: title, full name of the student, assigned tutor 
  • Two pages of text with the global explanation of the project
  • General floor plan
  • Zoom project floor plan
  • Study of the proposal in its temporal evolution
  • Phases plan

             ii.        Bibliography used

             iii.        Explained references and related with the project

Before the defense in front of the Examination Panel and in the dates indicated in this regard, the student must attach in the virtual campus (Atenea-TFE), the information described below: (the members of the board and the director will have access to it):

  1. Document in pdf format of the Report described before.
  2. Document in  ppt format or similar of the presentation before the tribunal

To prepare your TFM you can consult the recommendations and requirements of the UPC Library Service available at the following link 6 steps to make your TFM a success.

The School secretary will publish the deadline up to which the student has to upload that information in his/her virtual campus so the examination panel can get access to this information before the project defense. The student will submit online which will be permanent kept. Only students who have formalized the submission online of the final report within the established time frame for it, will be included in the certificate of the Defense of TFM.

The TFM’s have to be published in open access deposit of academic Works UPC, prior authorization of the author, provided that this does not affect the possible confidentiality and/or industrial property associated with the work.