
Basic competences

The basic competences are those described for the Master's level profile defined in the Spanish Royal Decree 1393/2007:

  • Possess and understand the knowledge that provides a background or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, usually in a research context

  • The students must know how to apply the knowledge they acquire, and have the capacity to solve problems in new or little-unknown (multidisciplinary) environments beyond their area of study

  • The students must be capable of integrating knowledge and tackle the complexity of formulating judgments from incomplete information that include reasoning about social and ethical responsibility related to the application of their knowledge

  • The students must be capable of communicating their conclusions and knowledge and the ultimate reasons that support them to experts and non-experts clearly and without ambiguity

  • The students must possess the learning skills that allow them to pursue self-directed and autonomous learning

General competences

General competences are those that all students must acquire in the Master education:

  • Research, innovate and specialize to understand the world and its consequences in the fields of architecture, urbanism, technology, theory and history in a transversal point of view, own the scope BarcelonaArch.

  • Apply advanced knowledge in the fields of architecture, urbanism, technology, theory and history in a local level, emerged from the experience and erudition characteristic of BarcelonaArch’s scope, and relate it in a world-wide context

  • Apply the basic research methodologies for innovation and specialisation in the field of architecture from the desire to improve and tradition characteristic of BarcelonaArch’s scope

Transversal competences

Transversal competences describe what a graduate student is capable to do when his or her learning process ends, independently of his or her degree. The transversal competences defined by the UPC are entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainability and social commitment, knowledge of a third language (preferably English), teamwork and the use of multiple sources of information.

Specific competences

From common subjects:

  • Acquire a global perspective of the international state of affairs, the current issues and research the different specialisations focusing on themes of environment and architectural technology

  • Acquire a global perspective of the international state of affairs, the current issues and research the different specialisations focusing on themes of urbanism and architectural design

  • Acquire a global perspective of the international state of affairs, the current issues and research the different specialisations focusing on themes of architectural theory and criticism

  • Reach a systematic understanding of the architectural application of the latest trends in technology and environment at international, national and at the scope of architecture in Barcelona

  • Reach a systematic understanding of the architectural application of the latest trends in architectural thinking, theory and criticism at international, national and at the scope of architecture in Barcelona

From specialties:

    • Planning land use following economic competitiveness, social cohesion and environmental sustainability criteria (spatial planning). (Specific competence of the Urban Management and Valuation specialisation)

    • Intervene in urban and territorial management processes (land management). (Specific competence of the Urban Management and Valuation specialisation)

    • Value architectural and urban works and environmental interventions (real estate appraisal). (Specific competence of the Urban Management and Valuation specialisation)

    • Analyse and evaluate urban, territorial and environmental management using new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT-GIS). (Specific competence of the Urban Management and Valuation specialisation)

    • Manage the city intelligently, equitably and in a sustainable way (smart city governance). (Specific competence of the Urban Management and Valuation specialisation)

    • Implement legal instruments related to the management of the city and public policies with territorial impact (land policy). (Specific competence of the Urban Management and Valuation specialisation)

    • Conduct state-of-the art research in basic and applied science in appropriate areas. (Specific competence of the Urban Management and Valuation specialisation)

    • Conduct a personal and substantiated reflection on the main issues of the different fields of urbanism. (Specific competence of the Urbanism and the Contemporary Project specialisations)

    • Analyse the main issues of urban and regional spaces from the Urbanism viewpoint. (Specific competence of the Urbanism and the Contemporary Project specialisations)

    • Integrate into the reflection on the physical intervention schemes the sociological, economic, technical and management dimensions of urbanism. (Specific competence of the Urbanism specialisation)

    • Interact with different stakeholders, users, policymakers and decision makers. (Specific competence of the Urbanism specialisation)

    • Develop projects in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams. (Specific competence of the Urbanism specialisation, the Theory, History and Culture specialisation, the Architecture, Energy and Environment specialisation, and the Project. Process and Programming specialisation)

    • Reach a systematic understanding of urbanism and its related techniques and research methodologies. (Specific competence of the Urbanism specialisation)

    • Conceive, design and implement and pursue an urbanism research process with academic rigor (Specific competence of the Urbanism specialisation and the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation)

    • Contribute, through Investigation works, to expand the frontiers of disciplinary knowledge, from a critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis. (Specific competence of the Urbanism specialisation, the Project. Process and Programming specialisation, the Architecture, Energy and Environment specialisation, and the Theory, History and Culture specialisation)

    • Apply the latest visual communication and architectural representation techniques, and acquire proficiency in using them intentionally according to the premises of the contemporary architectural design. (Specific competence of the Contemporary Project specialisation)

    • Executive involvement in the development of complex projects. (Specific competence of the Project. Process and Programming specialisation, the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation, the Contemporary Project specialisation, the Theory, History and Culture specialisation, and the Architecture, Energy and Environment specialisation)

    • Conceive and develop architectural projects using advanced design theory foundations. (Specific competence of the Project. Process and Programming specialisation, the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation, and the Architectural Renovation and Conservation specialisation)

    • Reach a systematic understanding of the site and the cultural context, urban and regional, to apply them to architectural design. (Specific competence of the Project. Process and Programming specialisation, the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation, and the Architectural Renovation and Conservation specialisation)

    • Correctly identify the relations between architecture and other disciplines, and apply them in architectural and urban design. (Specific competence of the Project. Process and Programming specialisation, the Architectural Renovation and Conservation specialisation, and the Architectural Structures specialisation)

    • Implement interpretation and intervention strategies in urban and regional transformation processes. (Specific competence of the Project. Process and Programming specialisation)

    • Apply the knowledge on architectural theory and history, within the tradition of theory and critical thought in our culture and in the general context of arts, technologies and space creation. (Specific competence of the Theory, History and Culture specialisation, and the Contemporary Project specialisation)

    • Apply the analysis methodologies and latest historiographical perspectives related to art theory, architecture and city. (Specific competence of the Theory, History and Culture specialisation, the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation, and the Contemporary Project specialisation)

    • Develop critical reasoning regarding the architectural object and its social and cultural, historic and present-day contexts, to be able to communicate and summarize ideas and discuss issues on artistic and architectural production, the multiple aspects of the creation of space, the management of the city, and cultural management. (Specific competence of the Theory, History and Culture specialisation, and the Contemporary Project specialisation)

    • Develop architectural theory and history research projects, to cooperate in museology and urban cultural management processes. (Specific competence of the Theory, History and Culture specialisation, and the Contemporary Project specialisation)

    • Evaluate constructions and urban structures from the energy standpoint. (Specific competence of the Architecture, Energy and Environment specialisation, and the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation)

    • Environmentally assess architectural and urban projects. (Specific competence of the Architecture, Energy and Environment specialisation, and the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation)

    • Identify climatic, lighting and acoustic phenomena in architectural spaces and its influence on human perception and comfort. (Specific competence of the Architecture, Energy and Environment specialisation, and the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation)

    • Analyse the formal issues of energy and environmental technologies in architecture and its aesthetical repercussions. (Specific competence of the Architecture, Energy and Environment specialisation, and the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation)

    • Use resources for the critical analysis of the development of architectural technology regarding new materials, techniques and construction and environmental control systems. (Specific competence of the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation, and the Contemporary Project specialisation)

    • Apply appropriate knowledge in the field of technological innovation, particularly in sustainable building, construction industrialization, environmental control systems and digital design and manufacturing technologies. (Specific competence of the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation, and the Contemporary Project specialisation)

    • Implement new knowledge on advanced architectural technologies in the fields of research and professional practice. (Specific competence of the Technological Innovation in Architecture specialisation)

    • Identify and analyse from a critical perspective the historic and architectural value of buildings and urban spaces capable to be restored, preserved or transformed. (Specific competence of the Architectural Renovation and Conservation specialisation)

    • Identify and analyse the diagnosing resources and specific techniques to design and supervise conservation and renovation interventions in buildings with heritage values, as well as common buildings. (Specific competence of the Architectural Renovation and Conservation specialisation)

    • Apply methodological resources to research the specific fields of the theory and practice of intervention in heritage buildings or complexes, as well as the rest of the built stock. (Specific competence of the Architectural Renovation and Conservation specialisation)

    • Demonstrate ability to work concurrently in multiple scales autonomously with the introduction of materiality from the beginning of the project and the creative interpretation of the functional program. (Specific competence of the Contemporary Project specialisation)

From Final Master’s Thesis:

    • Display a broad knowledge on the state of the matter of the research field to diagnose the specific issues, draft development proposals and hypothesis regarding research questions, and propose corresponding lines of research, innovation and specialisation
    • Develop, expose and defend, having obtained the credits of the Master’s degree, an original individual work, before a university examination board