Deposit and defense

Academic year 

The TFM will consist on the development, presentation and defense of an original work individually done, in front of an examination panel. The presentation and defense of the work can be done only when the student has passed all the credits of the Master.

There are two modalities of TFM that the student can choose which is related to the specialty taught:

A. The development of a research that provides an original contribution to the knowledge and current experience, through a theoretical reflection, about any related topic with the studied contents in the Master.

B. A project of architecture with an experimental character and a supporting final report corresponding to the specialisation line requirements.

The documentation made must be deposited by the student to the Examination panel and all the documents submitted online. This documentation depends on the modality of TFM developed and are the following:

A. Modality A

A copy with DinA4 format with the following contents:

1. Cover: Name of the Master and, if necessary, specialisation line; Full name of the student, academic course, title of the project and name of the project director.

2. Abstract with keywords (3 minimum).

3. Introduction and general description of the developed subject.

4. Specific sections: aims, hypothesis, basic working methodology and studies conducted.

5. Conclusions and obtained contributions.

6. Bibliography.

7. Required appendix for understanding and justification of the thesis.


B. Modality B

A copy with DinA3 format with the following contents:

1. Cover: Name of the Master and, if necessary, specialisation line; Full name of the student, academic course, title of the project and name of the project director.

2. Justifying Report with the global explanation of the project which will include the used bibliography and explicit references related to the project.

3. Project development: General floor plans, elevations and sections of the proposal and its environment. Study of the proposal, its time evolution from the pre-existences to the specific details, all contained in 6 drawing papers reduced to DinA3 size, of the presentation in front of the examination panel.

In both modalities and for the defense in front of the panel of examiners, the student must upload in the virtual campus (Atenea-TFE) the information described below: (the members of the board and the director will have access to it)

  1. PDF format document of the Report described before depending on the TFM modality chosen.
  2. PPT format document or similar, of the presentation done in front of the examination panel.
  3. Project summary (DinA4 or DinA3 format, depending on the modality chosen)

To prepare your TFM you can consult the recommendations and requirements of the UPC Library Service available at the following link 6 steps to make your TFM a success.

The School secretary will publish the deadline up to which the student has to upload that information in his/her virtual campus so the examination panel can access to this information before the project defense. The student will submit a copy of the final report in which will be permanent kept. Only students who has formalized the submission of the final report in within the established time frame for it, will be included in the certificate of the Defense of TFM.

The TFM’s have to be published in open access deposit of academic Works UPC, prior authorization of the author, provided that this does not affect the possible confidentiality and/or industrial property associated with the work. To that purpose, the deposit of the paper copy maybe replaced by other media that enable the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.