

Next regulations are developed and they complement the general policy framework of the Academic Regulations of the Degree and Master’s studies “Normativa Acadèmica dels Estudis de Grau I Màster” of the UPC approved by the governing council, the 26th of May 2016. Following this regulation, the Academic Committee of the Master tries to give coherence to the curricular itinerary dedicated to the students that are beginning these studies for improving their performance.

This regulation will be applied to every student of the 2016-2017 term and will be checked by the Master's Academic Committee every year.


The curriculum MBLandArch consist of 19 ECTS of elective subjects, 86 ECTS of compulsory subjects and 15 ECTS of the Final Master's (TFM). 

The student can enrol the máster full-time or part-time dedication. In case of part-time dedication, the student has to enrol a mínimum of  30 ECTS each academic course and the enrolment cannot include the TFM (Master’s Thesis) if there are still pending approval ECTS of the studies. 

Subject's requirement board

In order to achieve a better performance of the studies, the Master's Academic Committee sets having passed the full first course as the requirement to enrol of the Master's Thesis 

Approved by the School Board (Junta d’Escola) the 21st of June, 2016
Modified by the School Board (Junta d'Escola) the 22nd June 2017
Aquesta traducció té caràcter informatiu. La versió oficial és el text en català de la normativa aprovada pels òrgans de govern de l’ETSAB.
This translation has informative character. The official version is exclusively the text in Catalan of the approved regulations by the Governing Council of the ETSAB