Co-supervision Agreement


A Co-supervision Agreement allows the doctoral student to obtaining the degree of doctor, simultaneously at the UPC and at other foreign university, with the presentation of a single doctoral thesis, in either of the two universities. It is necessary to formalize a specific Agreement.


To consider:

  • The PhD student must enroll each year in both institutions. At the UPC it is compulsory to pay the tuition fee each academic year. Also, the thesis deposit and the issuance of the title, in time.
  • A "Research Plan" must be made and presented at the UPC
  • The PhD student will spend a minimum of six months in each university. The periods may be non-consecutive.

In addition, must be meet the rest of the regulatory requirements applicable to doctoral students at each university and the individuals established in the Co-supervision Agreement


Steps to be taken:

1. A online admission application

 In addition to the documents that are requested in the online admissions application, in the case of requesting the Co-supervision Agreement, it will be necessary to also include in said online application:

  • A writing, in free format, with the title “Co supervision Agreement”, indicating the intention to formalize said Agreement, detailing, among other possible information, the name of the UPC thesis director and that of the other University .
  • Proof of being enrolled in the foreign university.


 In case of admission:

2. Enrollment

3. Co-supervision Agreement

We will ask our Doctorate School to initiate  the procedures for the formalization of the Co-supervision Agreement, between the UPC and the foreign University. They (a different office) will contact you.

An Agreement model is attached, for guidance only (at the time of its formalization, this model will have to be confirmed and translated, if applicable).