

Check the maximum period of your Doctoral studies in your academic record
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Full-time duration

The maximum period of study for full-time doctoral studies is three years (deadline to deposit the doctoral thesis).

At the end of the three years, the Academic Committee of the Programme can authorize an extension of up to one year and a further one-year extension, if they deem it convenient according to the research’s evolution and in accordance with the criteria established in each programme.

The minimum period of study for full-time doctoral studies is two years.


IMPORTANT: The maximum period of study for full-time doctoral students who have been admitted during the academic year 2023-2024 and subsequent years is four years.  An additional year’s extension can be authorized.



Part-time duration

The maximum period of study for part-time doctoral studies is five years (deadline to deposit the doctoral thesis).

At the end of the five years, the Academic Committee of the Programme can authorize an extension of up to two years and a further one-year extension, if they deem it convenient according to the research’s evolution and in accordance with the criteria established in each programme.

The minimum period of study for part-time doctoral studies is four years.


IMPORTANT: The maximum period of study for part-time doctoral students who have been admitted during the academic year 2023-2024 and subsequent years is seven years.  An additional year’s extension can be authorized.



Application for Change full- or part-time Status

Your full- or part-time status is indicated at the time of the first enrolment, by means of the "Commitment agreement between the doctoral student and thesis supervisor, CDDT" (or DDTE, in case there is a thesis director external to the UPC).

During the course of the doctoral studies, a change in full- or part-time status may be requested only once. It can only be authorized before the end of the initial period of studies and if none extension has been granted. The Form request for change the time status must be used and authorization must first be requested from the thesis supervisors. Then, send the form to the ETSAB Doctoral Secretary's Office, so it can be included in the academic record.


Application for Extension

At the end of the initial studies' period according to the full- or part-time status assigned and before the next enrolment time, doctoral students may request an extension. The Form request for extension must be use and authorization must first be requested from the thesis supervisors. Then, send the form to the ETSAB Doctoral Secretary's Office, so it can be included in the academic record. 


Application for Temporary Withdrawal

Doctoral students may request temporary withdrawal from the program for a maximum period of one year, extendable to one additional year. The request addressed to the Academic Committee (in free format and justified) and authorized in the first place by the thesis directors, must be sent to the ETSAB Doctoral Secretary's Office, to be included in the academic record.