PhD Activity Report (DAD)
The PhD Activity Report(DAD) is the individualized register of the doctoral student’s training activities, where must be registered all the activities of interest for their development, carried out from the day of their first enrolment.
It is the doctoral student's responsibility to keep it up to date, providing evidence of his/her training in research and transversal competencies; therefore, when appropriate, he/she must provide the director with certifications of the activities carried out.
This report must be regularly reviewed by the director or tutor and must be evaluated annually by them and by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program.
Registration of activities
The DAD is generated on the ATENEAPhD platform, as follows:
1) Through the DRAC (UPC Research Descriptor).
First, the activities are introduced in the DRAC. As appropriate, they must be introduced by the doctoral student or their director (the joint activities). For each reference, a check box must be ticked to indicate those that need to be incorporated into the DAD. At any time, you can make a "preview" in AteneaPhD to see the activities of the DRAC that will be included in the DAD, automatically, when the director "generates" it.
More information about the DRAC at and at:
2) PDF included in the “Other activities” section
The activities that, due to their characteristics, cannot be introduced in the DRAC, but also correspond to the training stage of the doctoral student, can be listed in a PDF and uploaded to the AteneaPhD section "Other activities". For each academic year, a PDF must be uploaded that includes the new activities, not previously assessed.
DAD generation and annual evaluation
At any time, the directors/tutors and the members of the Academic Committee can review the DAD of each doctoral student, making a “preview” on AteneaPhD.
Each academic year must be evaluated by the directors, first and by the Academic Committee of the Program (represented by the coordinator) afterwards. This evaluation will be reflected in the DAD as “validated” or “not validated”.
Doctoral Thesis: At the time of submitting the final Doctoral Thesis, it will be necessary to update and evaluate the DAD. This last DAD will be provided to the members of the thesis committee. Procedure for submitting the final Doctoral Thesis.
Note for thesis directors: In order for a director to evaluate a DAD, he/she must first “generate” it and then will be able to evaluate it (“validate” or “not validate”). If there is more than one director, the 2nd will only need to evaluate the DAD already generated. The external directors at the UPC don't have access to the application.
Note for doctoral students: Doctoral students must adhere always to the specific instructions of the respective Academic Committees, both in terms of the periods in which the DAD’s must be completed, and in any other indication relating to this process. It is highly recommended that doctoral students always keep their activities in the DRAC up to date.