
Teaching modality

Doctoral studies at the UPC are face-to-face. However, as it does not include credits or formal teaching, all research activities are carried out under the supervision of one or two directors, who supervise the progress of the doctoral thesis in the manner deemed appropriate at any given time (face-to-face or on-line). The defense of the research plan and the defense of the final doctoral thesis do require the compulsory attendance of the doctoral students.


The doctoral program can be carried out, among others, in Catalan, Spanish or English, depending on the agreement with the thesis supervisor/s assigned at the time of admission.


Tutorships (annual enrollment)

Activities and research are included in the tutorships, which are carried out under the supervision of the assigned thesis director/s. The doctoral program does not include credits or formal teaching.

A tuition fee must be paid each academic year for "tutorship".

Additional information about enrollment


Academic year

Regardless of the date of the first enrollment, during the first semester or during the second semester, the academic year will be paid in entirety (full academic year)..


Qualification system

Doctoral qualifications are descriptive, not numerical. Tutorships are evaluated annually with a grade of "Satisfactory" or "Not Satisfactory".


Research Plan and Training Plan

During the first year, a Research Plan and a Personal Training Plan must be prepared and presented. The Research Plan must be publicly defended before a panel of three PhD experts in the field. Successful completion of the Research Plan leads to the Doctoral Thesis.

Additional information about the Research Plan and the Training Plan


The Doctoral Thesis

The doctoral program culminates with the completion of the doctoral thesis, which consists of an original research work, prepared by the doctoral student in any discipline of the doctoral program. The UPC establishes mechanisms for monitoring the thesis work, ensuring its quality and guaranteeing the commitment of the doctoral student who, as a final action, must defend it publicly in front of a tribunal of specialists in the subject, composed of three or five PhD experts of recognized prestige, most of whom must be external to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Additional information about the doctoral thesis' deposit


Doctoral Degree

Successful completion of the doctoral thesis entitles the student to obtain the Doctoral Degree by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. It is official and valid throughout the national territory, has full academic effects and qualifies for teaching and research, in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Additional information about the Doctoral degree application