Research Plan and Training Plan

Description of the Research Plan and the Personal Training Plan

Each doctoral program establishes the content of the Research Plan, which must include, at a minimum, the state of the question, the research objectives, the methodology to be used, the means/resources and time schedule for its completion and a Data Management Plan

Additional information about the Data Management PlanWhat is it? - Training

The Personal Training Plan of the doctorand student must contain a forecast of the different training activities that will be developed during the doctoral thesis (courses, seminars, mobility actions, etc.), some of which must be related to open science.

The doctoral student must prepare, within a maximum period of one year from the first enrolment, the Research Plan and the Personal Training Plan. Both documents must be validated by the director, the co-director and the academic tutor (if there is one), and can be improved and detailed throughout the development of the program. 


Submission and public defence of the Research Plan

The PhD student must upload the PDF file in ATENEA PhD platform, during the established delivery period (see section "Content and schedule of the Research Plan in each Doctoral Program" below).

Afterwards, the doctoral student must inform his/her thesis directors, so they can access the aforementioned platform and validate the work. This validation is essential in order to be able to defend the work later.

The presentation and public defence of the research plan and the status of the work performed will be carried out before a committee composed of three PhD holders, as determined by each Academic Committee. The presentation and public defence is face-to-face at the buildings of the University or of the collaborating entities of the program, and, therefore, the doctoral student cannot carry it out by videoconference.


Note: The access codes in AteneaPhD are the same as for accessing e-Secretaria and the other University's intranets. If you have access problems, please contact "ATIC Services":  or telf. +34 93 401 62 13.

Important: Doctoral students should consult this website to know the date and time of the public defences. Personalized communications will not be sent.


Content and schedule of the Research Plan in each Doctoral Program

Doctoral degree in Architectural Design

Doctoral degree in Architectural, Building Construction and Urbanism Technology

Doctoral degree in Architectural, Civil and Urban Heritage and Refurbishment of Existing Buildings

Doctoral degree in Architecture, Energy and Environment

Doctoral degree in Theory and History of Architecture

Doctoral degree in Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation 

Doctoral degree in Urbanism