Methods of payment

You can choose from the following payment methods

 a)    Direct debit. A one-time charge will be made on your bank account for the total enrollment, within 5 working days. (See  the "Sepa order" section)

 b)    Split. The registration fee will be charged in three fractions on your bank account, as follows: Initial payment of 40% of the total enrollment. The second payment (30%) will be charged at the middle of December. The last installment will be charged on March 1st.  (See  the "Sepa order" section)

 c)    Cash. You can make the payment”, once, within 5 working days, choosing between two different ways:

  • by credit card,
  • at the bank

Go to the “forms and payments" section of your  e-Secretaria and make the payment by credit card or print the registration form and take it to the bank. No need to inform us about the payment made.


If the enrolment is made in the 2nd semester, it is not possible to split the enrolment amount.

In case of return of a direct debit, 12 euros will be charged for handling fees and the payment method will be changed to "cash

Bank authorization – SEPA order

In order to be able to charge you through a bank account, you should authorize us. To do so, you can generate this form at your e-Secretaria, at the section My details > Personal data > bank accounts> Add [Add a new bank account]. You should indicate an IBAN code account.

Change of payment method

 If you choose "cash", you will have 5 working days to ask us to change the payment method from "cash" to "split”.  Just give us de original of the SEPA bank authorization mentioned before.