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etsab summer masterclass _ BCN, Thinking Through Soil


etsab summer masterclass _ BCN, Thinking Through Soil

30 June & 3-5 July 2023 | ETSAB | application EXTENDED until JUNE 18
etsab summer masterclass _ BCN, Thinking Through Soil

etsab summer masterclass
BCN, Thinking Through Soil

by Montserrat Bonvehi Rosich, Lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Design
& Seth Denzien, Assistant Professor at Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts


Urbanization is always a process of soil formation. Every material process that shapes the construction of the urban environment passes through the soil at some point. In Thinking Through Soil, we will use ‘soil’ as an interpretive category to guide us through the political consequences, design epistemology, and material contingency of the urban environment.
In particular, this short course will take a close look at 6 different urban sites in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona. Participants in pairs will unfold the hidden stories and reciprocal urban processes that have shaped each site.
The course will provide a methodology of research deeply linked to a representation system that will equip participants with new ways of drawing the invisible ground laying under our cities.

between 6 and 18 PLACES

4th-5th years students of the Degree in Architecture Studies (GArq ETSAB and ETSAV).
4th year students of Degree in Landscape.
Masters in the field of architecture (MArq ETSAB, MArq ETSAV, MBArch, MBLandArch and MISMEC). Masterclass also open to: UPC students and other engineeers and architects who meet the technical requirements.

FEES : 100€ ETSAB/ETSAV students  | 200€ other UPC students |  300€ other  

send email to:     relint.etsab@upc.edu
subject:                esm Thinking_name surname
with:                     name | DNI/NIE | e-mail | current studies
include links to CV + PDF portfolio (10 pages max). Do not send any attached files

In case of more than 18 candidates, a selection will be made on the basis of the documentation sent. The results of this process will be made public by June 15. Selected participants must confirm their enrolment in the course by paying the corresponding fee before June 19
In case of less than 6 candidates the course will be cancelled

For further information, please contact: 

23_esm_SOIL poster



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