Visiting students

Those students whose home university do not have an specific exchange agreement with ETSAB may apply as VISITING STUDENT if they want to spend a semester or a full academic year studying Architecture at our school.

Our school offers every year 20 visiting spots, to attend only courses of ETSAB’s Architecture Degree GArqEtsaB - GRADO EN ESTUDIOS DE ARQUITECTURA.



Students applying as VISITING STUDENT at ETSAB’s Architecture Degree must fulfil the following conditions:

  1. Be a regular student at any foreign School or Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism or Landscape Architecture without an specific exchange agreement with ETSAB.
  2. Applicants must have finished at least 5-6 semesters of their Architecture studies at their home university.
  3. Apply for admission for a non-extending period of a full academic year (September to June). Applications for only one semester will be also admitted. (September-January at the ordinary call, February-June only if there is an extraordinary call)
  4. Applicants must have a basic knowledge of Spanish or Catalan.
  5. If admitted, pay the corresponding VISITING STUDENT tuition fees (see below).

Language requirements

ETSAB strongly recommend having at least a B1 level of Spanish before arrival. However incoming students are not required to submit a proof of their language skills for admission.

Spanish and Catalan are the languages of instruction at GArqEtsaB. A limited number of courses are given in English: some elective subjects, specific groups of some Architectural Design / Urban Design Studios and partially other few compulsory courses.


Academic offer for Visiting students

Visiting students admitted at ETSAB will enroll courses of GArqEtsaB-GRADO EN ESTUDIOS DE ARQUITECTURA (Degree in Architecture Studies). See conditions at Study at ETSAB.

GArqEtsaB academic offer details are updated every year in July (elective courses offer, class schedules)

Enrolment Criteria for incoming students

According to UPC Academic Regulations, Visiting students at undergraduate degrees (grados) are allowed to enroll a maximum of 60 ECTS credits during their stay at UPC. 


Visiting Tuition Fees

Visiting students will pay tuition fees but not any administrative taxes, so they will not be covered by any UPC insurance.

Their tuition fee amount will be calculated according to the number of ECTS credits enrolled.The price of the credit will correspond to its real cost (Economical System for Visiting Students approved by UPC).

Currently, the cost of 1 ECTS credit is established in €143,08 but there may be an annual increase. The new cost will be known each year by the end of July.

To check how many credits is worth every GArqEtsaB course unit, see Curriculum and Syllabus

For instance:

A student who wants to attend: one Architectural Design Studio (Proyectos 7,5 ECTS) + one Urban Design Studio (Urbanismo 5 ECTS) +  one Elective course (5 ECTS)

He will enrol a total of 17,5 ECTS x 143,08 € : the amount to pay this semester will be 2.503,90 €


 Application for admission

_ORDINARY CALL: Applications for full academic year (September-June) or first semester (September-January)


Deadline to submit applications for full academic year or first semester stays : from 15 MARCH to 15 MAY 2024

_EXTRAORDINARY CALL: If there are free vacancies after the ordinary call, there may be an extraordinary call in October/November, only for second semester stays (February-June).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Since ETSAB enrolment works on an annual basis, the academic offer for any student starting in the second semester would be adjusted to the availability at the moment of enrolment; some class groups of compulsory subjects may be full, and some elective courses may not be available.


> THERE IS NO CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for second semester stays (February-June 2025).


Candidates for a visiting student position must apply online on the dates indicated for each call.


Download Instructions for Online Application : Fill in the required data + Upload the required documents

Documents to upload:

1_ ETSAB Visiting student Application Form , duly filled in with the student personal data and signed by the applicant and the mobility coordinator at home university.

2_ Copy of passport or ID card (with validity for all the period of stay)

3_ CV / Résumé

4_ Portfolio with the most significant academic works and projects (PDF format maximum size 20Mb).

5_ Support letter from the home university allowing the application as visiting student at ETSAB.

6_ Transcript of records of the Architecture studies carried out at the home university.

7_ Information about the Architecture Degree study programme at the home university (academic structure and courses list) and its qualifying grade scale.

8_ Tentative list of GArqEtsaB courses to take at ETSAB if admitted.


Applicants should indicate a preliminary proposal of courses they intend to attend at ETSAB. In case of admission, upon arrival at the school and before enrolment, an ETSAB tutor will assist the student with academic orientation to choose the more suitable courses, which may vary depending on the availability at the moment of enrolment.

ETSAB Admission Committee will review all the submitted applications and its final decision will be communicated to the applicants within one month. Accepted candidates will receive a letter of admission to start with visa procedures as well as instructions for arrival procedures.


If admitted

Candidates accepted as VISITING STUDENT will have to:

  • Check-in at ETSAB International Relations Office on the required dates before the start of classes, in order to receive the updated information about the school and the academic offer.
  • If requested, provide the originals of documents 5-6-7 submitted at the online application and a proof of appropriate insurance coverage for the stay.
  • Attend the meeting with ETSAB academic tutors for advice about courses to enrol.
  • Enroll on the given dates and pay the corresponding tuition fees.
  • Attend classes and exams of the enrolled courses along the academic year or semester. The definitive academic calendar and class schedules of both semesters are updated every year by the end of July 

Once the visiting student has finished the stay at our school, ETSAB International Office will provide an official Transcript of records of the courses attended, posted to the student’s personal address.


Queries at:ETSAB International Relations Office
tel. +34 93 401 63 45